How to take the perfect reference photo of the area you want tattooed

As artists, it’s helpful for us to have a good picture of the area you want tattooed since we actually use your reference, size, and shape to help us design the tattoo to fit YOU. We can use this photo to design the tattoo straight over YOUR arm, instead of using a model’s arm from Google.

These photos may be embarrassing and may require you to take pictures in your underwear, but I can promise you, your artist does not care if you are in your underwear as long as you are trying to get a good picture.

Tips for getting a good picture:

1) Have someone else (family, friend, co-worker) take the photo or use a tripod

2) Natural lighting

3) Level view

4) Stand up straight and in a natural posture

What NOT to do:

Please do not take a picture at this angle of what you see. We will not be able to use this photo.

More examples of good angles:

If you are still unsure if you can get a good photo, contact our shop manager and we can take a photo for you in the studio.


How to take the perfect reference photo for a pet tattoo


How to prepare for your tattoo appointment